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在履历过麵包、甜点、高档餐厅以后,老板叶子祺说:「由于要推行法国美食糊口文化,此次 咱们自创品牌。」,新揭幕的『Roooti巴黎立方烧烤餐厅』此次低落门坎,走出法国餐厅给人高价位、吃不饱、大都只在特定意义才用餐的既有印象, 『Roooti立方烧烤』菜单全数单点,「客单价一千元之内,这裡你可以经常来吃,即便只点一道主菜以行,分量也不吝啬,可以吃得饱。」,叶子祺很高兴地 找到以『Roooti立方烧烤』来引荐法国的庶民食尚。

Roooti是源自法文Roti烤肉之意的自创店名,但说到立方烧烤,第一间呈现于巴黎、 以立方烧烤为主题的餐厅则在是15世纪的时辰,师傅凭履历调解火力巨细、齿轮转速及烧烤时候,在那时是极需技能的烹饪伎俩,是以,能专业应用法国烧烤炉的 师傅,都被称为「烧烤师Rotisseurs」,叶子祺为引进台湾第一家巴黎立方烧烤,三顾茅庐约请具有跨越30年製作烧烤炉履历的Jean- Pierre替『Roooti立方烧烤』打造炉具,这类法国传统烧烤方法,有别于一般的平面烧烤,按照肉品分歧特征有程度烤法与垂直烤法,比方全鸡以程度 烤法,猪脚则用垂直烤法,以齿轮马达动员铁杆扭转,让肉品渐渐加热烧烤,这跟一般涂满烤肉酱或用炭火烧烤的方法大不不异,由于是整块食材原味上架,肉汁都 保存在食材裡头了。

『Roooti立方烧烤』今朝供给乳猪脚、鸡、鸭三道烧烤,想防止等待,要事前预约,若真要等待一阵子,举荐涮嘴的「艾菲尔铁 塔薯条」(NT$150)来消磨时候,这是连在本地都不常见的老巴黎人薯条,特选淀粉含量较少的土豆,本身刨成细丝,再用净水将多馀淀粉洗去,炸后才能 根根分明,拌上黑胡椒与盐,就是一道让人一口接一口、停不下来的零嘴啦!

A. 「立方烧烤黑乳猪脚」(NT$680)特选屏东、45天的黑毛小日本藤素,乳猪,淋猪汁、涂奶油,一样炉烤1小时,去骨的乳猪脚肥瘦平均,胶质与肉质、油脂显现很好的风韵,酱汁因此猪骨高汤为底,添加油封洋葱、酸黄瓜碎、芥末籽而成。

B. 「自然放走鸡」(NT$650)是『Roooti立方烧烤』的招牌菜,选用苗栗神农奖优 质鸡,无压豢养,放走饲育70-90天,不食骨粉,不打抗生素,均匀重约1.5千克,在烧烤前只先洒点盐,再边烤边刷Isigny奶油,淋上天然流下的鸡 汁,炉烤1小时,每份放走鸡包括半份鸡胸、鸡腿、鸡菲力,淋鸡骨熬成的酱汁,搭配油醋生菜、与油封大蒜,此中位于鸡背脊上,近同党处,一隻鸡唯一两块拇指 巨细的鸡菲力,是法国厨师口中「笨伯才不吃的肉」,雙贏彩,记得要好好品味这小小的「一口甘旨」,别让本身成为了笨伯。

C. 这台赤色烤漆的法国烧烤炉,有著金色的齿轮与绞链,看来富丽雅观,客人可以清晰看到本身的餐点是若何烧烤的,恒温火源不直接接触食材,受热平均,从侧面加热,油汁不会滴到火源上,以是也不会致使肉品烧焦,不会发生油烟味,更能品嚐到肉品的原味。

D. 「胶原乳猪肉冻」(NT$180)以乳猪头肉和猪耳製成,用黑胡椒、盐、月桂叶调味,去除骨头,再加蔬菜炖煮后,製成肉冻,搭配法国麵包片、油醋综合生菜一块儿进口,引出交融的好味道。

E. 长型的餐厅款式,小豪华中带点迷人的艺术气味。 译文

Ten percent service charge, credit card, French menu After experiencing bread, dessert and high-end restaurants, the boss ye ziqi said, because we want to promote the French food and life culture, we create our own brand this time. , the opening of the new cubic grill R贏家娛樂城,oooti Paris the lower threshold, out of the French restaurant to high prices, do not have enough to eat, most to eat only in certain meaning both impression, Roooti cubic barbecue menu all single point, guest monovalent one thousand yuan of less than, you can always come here to eat, even if only order a main course in rows, weight also not stingy, can eat satisfied. , ye ziqi was very happy to find the Roooti cube barbecue to introduce the French food and fashion. Roooti is derived from the French Roti barbecue the meaning of his own name, but when it comes to cubic barbecue, first appeared in Paris, the subject of cubic barbecue restaurant, on the other hand, is in the 15th century, master of thumb adjusting fire size, the gear rotational speed and the barbecue time, was a much needed technology of cooking techniques, therefore, able to professional use French burn oven master, are referred to as barbecue division Rotisseurs, cubic Ye Ziqi to introduce Taiwan's first Paris barbecue, Sincerity invite has more than 30 years experience in making burn oven, Jean - Pierre for Roooti cubic barbecue stoves, this way of traditional French barbecue, barbecue is different from the general plane, according to different characteristics of meat has a level of baking method and vertical roasting method, the whole chicken with horizontal baking method, for example, pig feet vertical roasting method, is used by gear motor fan rotates, let meat heating barbecue, slowly with the general covered BBQ sauce or with charcoal fire barbecue is very different, because it is the whole piece of ingredients of plain, gravy are reserved in the ingredients. Roooti cubic barbecue currently provide Suckling pig feet, chickens, ducks, three barbecue, to avoid waiting for, to make an appointment in advance, if have to wait for a while, reco妹妹end rinse mouth Eiffel Tower iron chips (NT $150) to kill time, it is not even in the local co妹妹on old Parisian French fries, selected fewer potato starch content, his plane into filaments, re治療咳嗽,occupy clear water washed away excess starch and fry until after, with root trenchant root with black pepper and salt, is a let a person after a bite of snacks, can't stop! A. cube barbecue black Suckling pig feet (NT$680) specially selects small Suckling pigs with black hair for 45 days in ping dong, douse them with pig juice and spread cream, and bake them in the same oven for 1 hour. The boneless Suckling pig feet are of uniform fat and thin, with gum, meat quality and fat presenting A good flavor. B. natural let chicken (NT $650) is the specialty of Roooti cubic barbecue, selects the miaoli shennong award for best quality chicken, no pressure, freeing rearing 70-90 days, don't eat meal, not dozen antibiotics, average weighing about 1.5 kg, just before the barbecue to sprinkle some salt, then roast while brush Isigny butter. Pour the natural flow of chicken juice, furnace bake for 1 hour, each set contains half of the chicken chicken, chicken legs, chicken Philip, pour the sauce of chicken bones boil into, tie-in lettuce, oil vinegar and garlic oil seal, which is located in the chicken on the back, near the wings, only two pieces of the size of the thumb a chicken chicken Philip, Is the French chef's mouth stupid don't eat meat, remember to have a good taste of this small delicious, don't let yourself become a fool. C. the red lacquer that bake French burn oven, with golden gear and the hinge, looks gorgeous and beautiful, guests can clearly see how their own meals barbecue, constant temperature fire don't direct contact with food, heated evenly and heat from the side, the oil juice will not drop into the fire, so will not result in charred meat, won't produce frying, more able to taste the flavor of meat. D. collagen Suckling pig jelly (NT$180) is made from Suckling pig head meat and pig ears. It is seasoned with black pepper, salt and bay leaves to remove bones. E. long dining room pattern, small luxury with a bit of charming artistic atmosphere.

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